Friday, December 9, 2011

Texans Have to Take a Cruise to Wear Nuno Felted Scarves

Yep, my sister-in-law lives in Texas. I've been there. Texas, that is. And just as I imagine many of you are wondering why anybody would live in New York State, well, some of us New Yorkers wonder the same thing about Texas. It's hot. Really hot. And it doesn't have super cool mountains like we have. And it's hot. Really hot. So when I made my sister-in-law a scarf, I had my doubts. I made it as light-weight as I could, given the inferno that it was going to reside in. But my sister-in-law figured a way around it. She took a cruise, where she managed to find a place cold enough to do justice to the scarf and its wonderful warming properties.

My sister-in-law Pat, suited up at a penguin colony somewhere not in Texas

I suppose she could use the scarf as a table runner during the steamy hot days ahead in Texas

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