Friday, August 26, 2011

Next on My List

I've finished spinning up the blue cashgora. I haven't decided what to do with it yet, though I do have an idea. Last week I sat around watching youtube videos, and I garnered a couple of ideas of things I want to try. First, I've always wondered how you drum card fiber into roving, instead of a batt. I found a video by Ruthann McCaulley that showed how to do it. I definitely want to try that out. I have blue silk that is the same color as the cashgora... I could blend that with sari silk and alpaca, perhaps, and then spin that up and ply it with the blue cashgora. Maybe add in some firestar... I have gold firestar. And I have blue firestar.

I've also been thinking that I would like to try painting up some canvas floorcloths. Canvas Floorcloths is the site that caught my attention. I must confess that if you walk into my front entrance and want to take off your shoes, you'll find yourself setting them down on a Santa Claus floormat that I bought at Walmart. I'd be embarrassed, but there are so many other things in my life to be embarrassed about that stepping on Santa in August seems to pale.

Anyway, you buy a prepainted floorcloth, and then paint away. I searched the web looking for examples of ones that I liked, and became convinced that the floorcloth makers of the world don't have one up on me. I think I could do better. I was thinking of trying to stencil some scene from the Honeoye Falls area. And then yesterday I was over at Highland Hospital (another long story), and they had the most amazingly cool painting on the wall. It was HUGE. Like 20 feet wide by 30 feet tall. I was totally inspired by that, and thought that it would be cool to make a floorcloth with flower designs. Downstairs in their radiation area, Highland has this super cool artwork on the walls of flowers that I presume are based on x-rays. Also very cool. Anyway, I may have to come back to all this.

For my next project, I also have been thinking about making a tablecloth from felted and woven fiber. I want to make a patchwork quilt that would go over our dining room table when it is not in use. I want to use a combination of wet felting and needle felting and embroidery and even weaving on my wee looms to make this concoction. But I have to mull over this idea for a while, as I haven't quite decided where to run with it.

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